Electric Linear Actuators / Cylinder Actuators
Electric Linear Actuators:
- Ball screw and belt drive, suitable for multi-axis transmission applications
- High Rigidity, High Precision, High repeated positioning accuracy
- Standard Model, Guide Model, Overload Model
- High Rigidity, High Response, Low Level Noise
Application Occasions
Robotic arms and joints, analog aircraft, presses, test instruments, food machinery,
ceramic machinery, welding machinery, spraying equipment, lifting platforms, medical machines, etc.
Electric Linear Actuators
Economy Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRKA
Economy Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRKK
Economy Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRKXG
JP. Semi Sealed Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRS
JP. Sealed Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRSW
JP. Semi Sealed / Sealed Linear Belt Driven Actuator TRT/TRTW
EU. External Guide Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRS
EU. Lnternal Guide Linear Screw Driven Actuator TRS
EU. Linear Belt Driven Actuator TRTSuper Length Semi Sealed / Sealed Linear Belt Driven Actuator TRT/TRTWCylinder Actuators
Heavy Duty Ball Screw / Planetary Roller Screw Cylinder Actuator TRFS/TRFP
Compact Cylinder Actuator TRC
Standard Cylinder Actuator TRE